Monday, October 20, 2008

The Freight Shed

Fredericton Station Freight Shed
Many people do not realize that the freight shed on the rear of our station is not part of the original structure. It was added in the 1950s (I believe), and although it matches the rest of the station, it is not original and therefore not part of the heritage structure. When the station is restored, I suspect the shed will be removed and the station restored to its 1923-era appearance.


Friday, October 3, 2008


Erstwhile blogger Charles Leblanc did some creative Photoshopping of our train station. Nice tarp!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Station Options

The city had a meeting Monday evening to discuss their options for the station. The Daily Gleaner report is here. The gist of the article is that the city has no leverage to force any work to be done on the station.

I met with Deputy Mayor Tony Whalen Tuesday morning to introduce myself and talk about our station. He confirmed what the Gleaner reported. He (and I) are hopeful that something will come through very soon for the station.

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